Saturday, February 2, 2013

Whole Lotta Love Day 2

This is day 2 of Whole Lotta Love . I am so happy to participate in Cindi's  fourteen days of  things I Love. Get your coffee and come sit and visit. Have I told you how much I enjoy you dropping in. After thinking about all the things I love I decided I would post first about my family.Oh not to worry, some "things" will work their way in Most of you have met Deb's family as well as Dodd's. You haven't heard a lot about Doug. He is my oldest and lives an hour away. He is the father of  three of my grands. Douglas(the father of Gabe, who used to live on my property and called himself the keeper of the grounds,) Dustin, and Lindsay. Doug is someone who can do anything. Anything. What he loves is gardening. He took this after my Grandpa Wright.He also has the most wonderful sense of humor. He used to play a lot of golf, when he was in the military, but an ankle injury stopped that. He also was a shark fisherman, when he was stationed in Beauforte, S,C, having caught some large ones. He was always doing something. It appears he has slowed BTW, he collects Griswold items and has a wonderful collection. He, as well as Deb and Dodd, loves antiques. He got all of my parents furniture, because he loved it so much. It was all handcrafted in a cabinet shop owned by my Dad and made by a man named Sam. He also has quite the collection of  leather edition  Louis L'mour books. He laughs and says he never gets rid of anything. He plays the guitar and drove me crazy when he was learning. Bobbie McGhee and country Roads were played over and over and over.........Well you get it!lol
He is a former Marine,although once a Marine always a Marine.
He doesn't like to travel. He is a homebody. Has lived many different places and done enough traveling in the military.(according to him)lol He loves to cook and sometimes caters with his smoker. Can cook anything with seafood and makes wonderful shrimp and grits, as well as blackened fish.
He comes every Christmas and helps me cook Christmas supper.He swears I have forgotten how to cook, and yes he brought the frog legs this past Christmas.
He has done a little bit of everything and at one time was a licensed explosive "setter".(for lack of the correct title)lol
This is my granddaughter Lindsay. She writes beautiful poetry and has the sweetest heart. Always looking for good in people.
Douglas and Dustin, with Dodd. I swear they are not drinking, but it appears a serious discussion is taking place! Looks like they are all pondering the answer. (They will kill me for this picture) Dustin is going to school to finish his degree and works full time too. Douglas and his family live in Chattanooga and he works for Volkswagon.
Douglas and Gabe. Now you have met part of the rest of my family.
I have to share one more thing about Doug. He doesn't like to lose when he plays games!Thanks again for coming Through My Back Door where life is good, and there's a whole lotta love!
PS: tomorrow I will share my youngest son. Then we will move


  1. Good morning Betty
    Thank you for sharing more of your beautiful family.
    How blessed we are with brothers.
    I so love mine too.
    Woolie hugs

    Wanna hear something funny. My brother is colored kids always loved playing UNO cards with him :)

  2. Hi Betty! Your love of family always shines through! It was so nice meeting Doug...once a Marine, always a Marine and always the work ethics of one. :) Sounds like he lives a busy life!---Jan

  3. Betty so nice to learn a little about Doug. Such an interesting life he has led. How wonderful that all of your kids love antiques as much a you do too. Your like is rich with family, that is for sure.

  4. Wonderful brotherly love post, Francine.

  5. Betty, it's so nice to see your family because they mean so much to you. What wonderful grands you have. I bet you are so pround of you boy. Can't wait to see your baby. -Steph-

  6. Oh Ms. Betty, that is whole love of WONDERFUL love you have for a family! Hugs! this is fun chain that was started! hugs! OLM

  7. Betty, how nice to meet Doug and his family. My son was a Marine, so they have a special place in my heart.

  8. That is a handsome group of men...and sounds like Doug can do almost anything..Nothing better than seeing your children grow up to be wonderful men and women...You do have a whole lotta love to brag about. Blessings!

  9. Oh Betty how special to share all of your family members. I am so happy to get to know the people that mean the most to you!
    Be blessed,


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