Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Friend Carol, Day 5 Whole Lotta Love

Today is day 5 of Whole Lotta Love and I want to tell you about my friend Carol. She and I are true kindred spirits. We met in the early 80's and became friends almost instantly.She taught 2nd grade at the school next door to the Center where I was a teaching assistant. They were "mainstreaming" some of our students, way be fore mainstreaming became a law, and I was the liaison between the two schools. The teaching assistant that accompanied our students. The teachers weren't happy to have another adult in their classrooms in the beginning, but that soon changed. I would only be in each classroom an hour at a time. Carol was one of the teachers who graciously took our students. As I said, we became fast friends and still are to this day. She is an avid quilter, sewer, and belongs to many groups. I am none of these,(except I belong to many groups)lol. One of the things we had in common from the beginning was antiques and these two women. Gladys Taber and Tasha Tudor.
My TT books are autographed copies. We both have this print hanging in our kitchens.
Every year we get together and make gingerbread ornaments for our Christmas trees. (Tasha's recipe).We watch her TT videos and have such a good time. We love the same things and share the same love for Christ. We are prayer partners. She is always there for me and I for her.  When Curtis was going through such a hard time and I couldn't leave him and people didn't want to come here Carol would come. One day she moved her car approx 8 times because he thought trees were being cut down on it. She is a friend. When he went into the hospital as emergency and we couldn't see him for a few days, it was Carol I called the first morning, bawling and only said "I need a friend". she said without hesitation, come over. It was only later that I learned she had to cancel quilting at her house that day. She is a friend.(Let me explain my kids were all out of town. Dodd had left for the beach to join his family and after we had gotten Curtis settled. There was nothing else he could do so, I sent him on)
When Carol was going through chemo and she called me the same way one morning(her only breakdown) I went.(She has not only endured this once but twice)  The last time she and Amanda went through it at the same time and she was such a help to Amanda. Have I said my entire family loves Carol?
She is the one who introduced me to The Seraph, David T Smith, got me to collecting pewter and the list goes on. Most importantly she gave me my copy of Jesus Calling. She helped me do my first (and only) quilted throw I did for my sister in law. She has loved my dogs and I hers. She came and sat with me the day I had to have Hillary put down.(So did Linda). She is the true friend in need is a friend indeed.
She and I also had the joy of having our home photographed for Country Sampler at the same time. What fun we had doing walk throughs and helping tweak. To this day we still call each other and say Help!.Come help me figure out how to do this or that. (We call it playing house)She and Jim also let us rent their condo in Sea Grove a couple of times a year.  She is a blessing to me and I am so happy to call her friend. Here are some pictures of her home.
Sharon, Deb and Carol. The only pictures I have are holiday at her wonderful home.
Thanks so much for visiting Through My Back Door where life is good and there is a Whole Lotta Love.
PS: I would appreciate your prayers for Amanda. She is having another surgery this morning.
PSS: I got the best surprise in the mail yesterday. I LOVE it!
Do you recognize this wonderful "Wooly heart"? Of course you do, Trace sent it to me and I love it. I will not pack it away after valentine day, but will leave it out all the time. It will remind me of another prayer partner and a beautiful friend I have met through blogging. Thank you Trace. Love you and your "wooly heart." Granny Trace Scraps & Squares


  1. A beautiful home and wonderful friend! Praying for Amanda today! I also love Gladys Taber!

  2. How blessed we are with the friends God gives to us.
    Beautiful home.
    I too love Tasha Tudor. Praying for Amanda and Tamra.
    Love to you my Friend

  3. Hi Betty! there is a point when a very good friend becomes family...I believe Carol passed that point a long time ago! Bless her for always being there. Prayers for Amanda and Tamra.-----Jan

  4. What a wonderful tribute to your friend. We all need one like that! Dawn

  5. You didn't show Carol's red wall! Red is wonderful. Especially this month!

  6. What a wonderful friendship to cherish. Keeping Amanda in my prayers.

  7. Hi Betty. You are blessed. Seems like nowdays, people move around so much it's hard to have a long time really best friend. Also, I don't know if people of these younger generations know and understand what being a true friend is all about. I am happy for you. Prayers for Amanda:) -Steph-


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