Monday, January 14, 2013


Hello and come on in. Have a cup of coffee(Kona) and there is some apple pie left from Saturday. It is so nice to have you come Through My Back Door this morning. It is raining and colder, and I am doing NOTHING,so come in, prop your feet up and chat. Do you ever meander? I find myself doing it  often. If friends and I are visiting, we'll be talking about something and then someone says something way off the current subject, and on and on we go. Lots of laughs come from meandering. Deb and I do this so often, and one of us will say something out of left field. Then I find myself meandering about the past. Not that I am living in the past, but you just can't help thinking "backward" sometimes. Livy left for England Tuesday and we have all been a little sad. At first she was a bit homesick. But according to the pictures she's posting on FB she is settling in.
See I am meandering.LOL
Friday afternoon, even though it was raining Deb, Amanda, Mollie, and I went out for lunch and to visit the shops in Clinton.
She chose to sit in the high chair as opposed to a booster seat. We have no idea why.
She and Amanda. See how Amanda's hair has grown. It is so curly. By the way, we are eating at Percadillies, one of our favorite little eating places. If you are in Clinton, it is worth the very short (3min) drive out there. We all just love Darlene's chicken salad.
Well after we ate we went on into Clinton and hit all the shops. We first stopped at Corner Antiques and they are full of some wonderful things. We always park there, so we hit them first. Then onto the Hen. We got a couple of things and left them until we were going back to the car. After we had visited several shops, we headed back to the Hen. While Deb and Amanda were looking at something I looked and this is what Mollie was doing.
She had gotten a pillow off a chair and laid down. I laughed so hard. Needless to say we went
Saturday all my kids came home and we had a working. There were lots of little jobs that needed done, so I cooked and they worked. Curt and Lindsey were in town too.
Dodd on  the roof trimming a few branches.
Doug brought his chainsaw and cut some brush back. Michael worked really hard, but I didn't get any pictures. They loaded a truck load of stuff to go to the land fill. Lots more to be carried off another day.
Dasko was so happy to see Curt. It is always  good when we are together. Clay was going to come and help, but we decided we weren't doing that much yesterday. When they start cleaning out the barn and the other out buildings, we will definitely need him.
Do any of you just love the look of patina on old wood? I don't use a lot of scarves or textiles in my decorating. I just like the look of the wood. I sometimes get decorating suggestions that  I need to use more textiles. Am I alone in this? I have several Family Weavers textiles I could use, but I like wood. As I said several people have made suggestions. I don't care for dolls either. Just my slave doll Pam and Frank made.
See her on the firkin stack? I do love her. All wood and no textiles.
Well. I am meandering again, but don't you get a lot of ideas from other decorators? I sure do. One of my favorite things to do is get on FB decorating pages and see ideas. We all do things differently,even though many of us do basically the same, and it is interesting. Some of those pages are so  inspirational.
I will show you the before and after pictures of Sandi's highboy, she bought in Clinton.
Now for the after.
Isn't this gorgeous? Worth the trip over, huh?(Not that is wasn't enough to just visit with me.)lol
I have talked about it before on here, but I don't do vignettes very well. Sandi is gifted at it. It is something I am going to work on in 2013. I may become the Queen of Vignettes. Or
 I will leave you with  a couple of vignette, that I really like.
I love my water gourd. Another Pam & Frank creation.
Right now this is one of my very favorites.
And this one means a lot to me.(My progressive gift)lol
I warned you this post was about meandering. It means a lot to me when you meander Through My Back Door where life is good.
PS: I promise the next post will be much better!
PSS:Please continue prayers for Tamra
PSSS: If your meandering today and your thoughts meander to someone you haven't seen in a while. Give them a call. That would be better then facebooking. Sometime someone  just needs to hear your voice.


  1. Good morning Betty. It is a warm rainy day here in GA. Pretty blah. The shopping trip with the girls sounds like so much fun. Mollie looks like she was a trooper but you all wore her out! :) She is a doll. Amanda looks wonderful. I will be sure and show the picture of the two of them to Darbee Rae. She will be happy to see it. She asks about Amanda often. Glad your crew got a lot done for you. Hope you have a good day.

  2. Afternoon friend
    I so love visiting with you.
    Maybe one day in person. Amanda just glows. So beautiful.
    Loved meandering with you too friend.
    Woolie hugs & love

  3. Hello dear,
    I always love my time with you..
    Have a lovely day x

  4. Well Ms Betty, in the preaching world I would cal meandering as chasing I love when meander or chase rabbits it always leads to something beautful for us to see. I am going to make it back to CLinton.. maybe in the Spring. Amanda looks great.. God is soooo good! Blessings and meander around so we can see all your wonderful adventures....

  5. meanderings.... I love it when it happens, some of the best conversions happen that way! I do like the wood...but do use family heirlooms too.... and FB decorating pages as big of a black hole as pinterest...sigh... Did you get the ring are the nosy? OLM

  6. Hi Betty!! My, how Mollie is growing! She's such a seeing pics of her. I guess lying down on the floor of the shop was the easiest way for her to say that she was shopped out! I smiled when I saw Amanda's hair...Hers went curly after chemo. Mine was always curly and wavy...after chemo it is the straight hair I dreamed of as a teen!! So glad she is doing well. Enjoy your meandering!! --Jan

  7. So glad you got some help. Have you listed yet? Can't wait to get down there and go into Clinton. I love that corner antique store and I'm anxious to see Sharon's new shop. Have a great week!

  8. I am a meanderer too. I have been meandering around the house and the Internet all day! Love you post and pics as always!

  9. Meandering is how girls talk:) The highboy is so beautiful. What a wonderful make over. Mollie is cute. She can come over anytime. I bet her and Baby would have a wonderful time laying on the floor. Baby does it all the time at the store. I don't understand it though:) How nice to have some of your property cleaned up. I know you were waiting to get that done. I think anything with patina is so pretty. Thanks for the wonderful post. -Steph-

  10. Hi Betty, I always enjoy your meanderings - your posts are such a delight. Sounds like you had a wonderful day out with your girls. Sandy's highboy turned out beautiful.
    Have a blessed week,


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