Saturday, January 5, 2013

This, That, and A Little Something Else

Good Saturday afternoon and come on in Through My Back Door. The sun is shining but it is still cold. The coffee is on, the cups btw, are in the dishwasher. Just help yourself. I will cut you a piece of birthday cake. It is no one's birthday, but my friend Sandi has visited from W. Va, and her dessert of choice is white birthday cake with buttercream icing. Soooo, that is what we have. She came over on Thursday and just left a while ago. She came to pick up a high boy I had found for her and to visit. She picked it up a few minutes ago and has left for home. It was "tucked" into her truck with maybe a half an inch to spare. She cannot wait to get it home to DaybreakPlace. When she gets it settled I will post a picture.
Here she is snuggled in having a cup of coffee. She brought me my very first Putz sheep.(Carla, the competition has begun)
We have a rule about no hospitality gifts, so she called this a finders No matter what she called it, I was not going to refuse
She also made me a pillow with a heart on it, because she knows I love hearts. (She doesn't, she likes stars, and I am not much on stars)
I just love it. I feel so blessed to have such creative and thoughtful friends. Most of you know Sandi and I met through a couple of decorating forums and just hit it off. We have visited several times. Some of my favorite people are people I have met through those same forums. We visit when ever we can. Debbie and I both enjoy their company so much, as we all have so much in common. Sandi got to meet Dodd and Renda this time. Renda is getting into the prim look and we are enjoying the enthusiasm she has. Deb and Michael are both sick, so Sandi didn't get to spend time with them. Deb did slip up for a few minutes.
Those of you who know me, know it doesn't take much to make me happy. I don't know if you knew it took so little. When we were in the antique business, many years ago, we sold a BeesWax and Lemon Oil furniture polish. No one carries it around here. You could order on line but had to buy so many, and one bottle will last almost a year. Anyway around here everyone sells Orange oil stuff. Yesterday Sandi wanted to go to Marshall's, so we did. I found some beeswax/lemon oil polish. Not the Kotton Kleanser, that we carried, none the less it was beeswax/lemon oil.
Needless to say I am SO HAPPY!!!!!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful beginning of a New Year. I certainly have. Hopefully it will only get better.
I redid my mantle. I liked it the way I had it, pretty much, but Deb and Sandi didn't like the goose on it. So, I changed it and they both approved.
Before, with the goose.
After, without the goose. I have to admit, I like it better, too.
If you drive by my house, this is what you see now.
Hopefully God will reveal His plan for me soon.
I have to say a thank you to Lyn Dee, a friend, who when she saw my FB post about the realtor's sign. She said exactly what I needed to hear. Thank You Lynn. Aren't our cyber friends wonderful to boost us when we need it?
Well thanks to each of you who continue to come Through My Back Door where life is good.
PS: I am sorry to say, Kathy's husband Merle passed away last week. It is always hard to lose a friend. He made me this.
My beautiful little red settle. I will always treasure it.
PSS: Please continue to pray for Tamra. Her grandmother, Anna Ruth, is a faithful reader of the blog. She and the rest of the family appreciates your prayers so much.  I will keep you posted on her progress.
PSSS: I just have to do a shout out to my friend Carla Herron who retired this past Friday. Poor Carla, Daryl, her husband has been retired for a while, and I KNOW he has a "honey do" list all ready for I am so happy for you Carla.(The retirement, not the list).
Carla is another one we met on the same forums and have visited back and forth. She lives in Il, not far from Beth and Ryan.
PSSSS: I want you all to go over to Lynne's Blog
Prim Doodles and become a follower and get in on her wonderful give away. You can win a free blog makeover.


  1. I'm happy you both had a great timer.Sandi's new "do" looks wonderful too.Pity she couldn't stay longer. Hope Deb and Michael are getting better.I'm very ,very sorry to read about Kathy's husband.That is so very sad.
    Happy new year to you anyway Betty.I wish you all the best for a happy,healthy and fun loving year,maybe in a new house very soon too. :)

  2. Great post, Betty! I'm glad Sandi had a safe trip down and pray she has a safe trip home too! Love the sheep! :)

  3. Betty, you forget to tell me where to find the forks? I am craving a little something sweet...sigh... made a new trifold for our 'festuvis" party 2nite... and resisting not digging into it... Looks like a wonderful visit! Always love coming through your back door, no matter where it takes you. hugs! it's never easy, change, but it does all work out in the end..sigh... hugs! OLM

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think the mantle looks great either way. You are so right, Blog buddies are the best! Praying your house sells soon. Blessings!

  6. So glad you and Sandi had a great visit, but sorry I missed it. I know Sandi didn't save me any cake. ;-) Now that I'm retired, we hope to visit both of you again. Sorry, Deb & Michael are still sick. I hope they feel better soon. Love your new sheep, of course. I'll have to run faster than you when we go shopping now. I like the mantel arrangement better, too.

  7. Oh you always have such a good time with fun and you baked a cake - sounds yummy.
    I love your mantle after the goose was removed.
    What sweet thank you gifts you received too - I'm always loving who wouldn't.

  8. Such a wonderful visit you had. Lots of fun times, friendship, wonderful prims and yummy eats! I know how you feel about finding something you are familiar with and miss. We miss so many things here in Cali that we took for granted in New England.It is so nice to find a few of those things once in a while. Good luck in the new year with all of the adventures that God has planned for you. Blessings~Sara

  9. omg betty! i cant wait to spend a little more time here on your blog. isnt it wonderful to have friends.. i also cherish my blog friends! we all seem to have something in common. my friend and i have a antique and collectable shop up the road here from me. she loves to be out there and redecorate and putz. im more the silent partner. the driver on our hunts! anyway i need to get some of that cleanser you bought! enjoy your day my new follower!

  10. Another great adventure through your backdoor! Your home is so beautiful, I'll bet the first person that comes in will buy it! I'm in love with your red chair! Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon.

  11. Hi Betty, sounds like you had a nice visit with Sandi. Love the sweet gifts she brought you. Praying your home sells quickly. Hope Deb and Michael are feeling better.

  12. Hi Betty, I like the heart pillow. What a friend. Your mantle looks better without the goose; I agree. All we get is the orange glow polish around here too. I am happy you found a bottle of your fav. stuff. Good luck with the house. -Steph-


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